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 Dionaea 'Dentate'/'Dentate traps'/'Dente' (CV officiels) Voir le sujet précédent Voir le sujet suivant Aller en bas 
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Age : 22
Inscrit le : 23 Juin 2007
Messages : 111
Localisation : Mons (Belgique)

MessageSujet: Dionaea 'Dentate'/'Dentate traps'/'Dente' (CV officiels)   Mar 26 Juin - 16:04

'Dentate', 'Dentate traps' et 'Dente', trois clones enregistrés individuellement.
Difficiles à différencier, il est important d'avoir une classification rigoureuse de ses plantes, et une origine certaine afin d'éviter les confusions et diffusions de noms éronnés.

Dionaea 'Dentate traps' a écrit:

N: $[Dionaea ' Dentate Traps ' {B.Meyers-Rice}]
P: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.29:16 (2000)
S: =[Dionaea muscipula {Soland. ex Ellis}]
HC: Registered 30. 3. 2000 (JS)
GR: Dentate Traps Group {B.Meyers-Rice}
GRP: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.29:16 (2000)
B: L.Song, Jr., before 1990
Nominant: B.Meyers-Rice, 30. 9. 1999
Registrant: B.Meyers-Rice, Davis, USA, 20. 10. 1999
Description: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.29:16 (2000)

<BLOCKQUOTE>"A wild collected [Dionaea muscipula {Soland. ex Ellis}] plant was selected because its marginal spines were noticeably mutated. Instead of being long and filiform (as is usual), the spines of [Dionaea ' Dentate Traps ' {B.Meyers-Rice}] are short and triangular. This feature is not always apparent on small traps, or those produced early in the season, but the traps on mature plants in full growth are unmistakably dentate." </BLOCKQUOTE>
Standard: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.29:15 (2000)
Propagation: vegetative only
Etymology: the marginal trap tentacles are small and fimbriately notched
image: Check Bob Ziemer's Photo Finder

(Photos de Trevor Cox )

Dionaea 'Dentate': a écrit:

N: $[Dionaea ' Dentate ' {D'Amato}]
P: Savage Garden:66 (1998)
S: =[Dionaea muscipula {Soland. ex Ellis}]
HC: the established name for the same cultivar is [Dionaea ' Dentate Traps ' {B.Meyers-Rice}]
B: ?P.D'Amato
Nominant: P.D'Amato, 1998
Description: Savage Garden:66 (1998)

<BLOCKQUOTE>"Both (this and [Dionaea ' Dente ' {D'Amato}]) are tissue-cultured mutations. The teeth are numerous, short and jagged, like a beartrap." </BLOCKQUOTE>
Propagation: vegetative (tissue culture)
Etymology: after dentate (not ciliate) margin of lamina
image: Check Bob Ziemer's Photo Finder

(Photo de Trev Cox)

Dionaea 'Dente': a écrit:

N: $[Dionaea ' Dente ' {D'Amato}]
P: Savage Garden:66 (1998)
S: =[Dionaea muscipula {Soland. ex Ellis}]
HC: the established name for the same cultivar is [Dionaea ' Dentate Traps ' {B.Meyers-Rice}]
B: ?P.D'Amato
Nominant: P.D'Amato, 1998
Description: Savage Garden:66 (1998)

<BLOCKQUOTE>"Both (this and [Dionaea ' Dentate ' {D'Amato}]) are tissue-cultured mutations. The teeth are numerous, short and jagged, like a beartrap." </BLOCKQUOTE>

Propagation: vegetative (tissue culture)
Etymology: after dentate (not ciliate) margin of lamina
image: Check Bob Ziemer's Photo Finder

(Photo de Robert Ziemer)

Groupe: Dentate traps group.

Dionaea Dentate traps "X11":

Forme non déposée, création de Best Carnivorous Plants (J.Flisek)

(Photo de Trev Cox)


Forme "psudo miniature" Proche des autres dentate. Chaque lobe compte 2 Poils sensibles.

Reproduction ('Dentate', 'Dentate traps', 'Dente', 'X11'): Vegetative uniquement.
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