
Apprendre à cultiver les plantes carnivores
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Age : 32
Inscrit le : 24 Jan 2007
Messages : 7179
Localisation : Floirac (Bordeaux)

MessageSujet: Re: un site   Mer 14 Mai - 16:26

Laughing Laughing Laughing

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Age : 24
Inscrit le : 09 Déc 2007
Messages : 2221
Localisation : st trivier sur moignans (ain)

MessageSujet: Re: un site   Mer 14 Mai - 16:34

vous viendrez visitez ma jungle alors !!!!! par contre vehicule interdit,deplacement aeriens obligatoire tongue
mes videos:
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MessageSujet: Re: un site   Mer 14 Mai - 16:39

D accord pas de problème .... Razz
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Admin Adjoint
Admin Adjoint

Age : 15
Inscrit le : 29 Oct 2007
Messages : 5259
Localisation : La Réunion

MessageSujet: Re: un site   Mer 14 Mai - 17:30

on fera un acrobranche Razz
Cherche nepenthes, faire propositions par Mp, merci beaucoup
voila merciii

Ma liste de plantes carnivores

Viens voir si tu peux dégommer ma brute
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Age : 32
Inscrit le : 24 Jan 2007
Messages : 7179
Localisation : Floirac (Bordeaux)

MessageSujet: Re: un site   Jeu 15 Mai - 7:31

Newsletter de ce mois:
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<table style="WIDTH: 100%; TEXT-ALIGN: left" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=8 bgColor=#d8d8d8 border=0><TR>
<td vAlign=top align=left width="100%">Introduction

Dear Nepenthes and Heliamphora enthusiasts,

this is our May 2008 Info-Mailing. I hope it's of interest for you.


<table style="WIDTH: 100%; TEXT-ALIGN: left" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=8 bgColor=#d8d8d8 border=0><TR>
<td vAlign=top align=left width="100%">New entries for May 2008

Heliamphora exappendiculata (Apacapa Tepui) is available in very limited quantity only - first come first serve.
This variety is notable for the hair on the pitcher outside and the very prominent and round nectar-spoon rudiment.
Plants are available for EUR 120,-

Heliamphora exappendiculata (Apacapa Tepui)

Heliamphora exappendiculata (Apacapa Tepui)

Heliamphora spec. nov. ("A") is available. Upright pitchers with red veins. Limited numbers of plants are available for EUR 60.-

Heliamphora spec. nov. ("A")

Heliamphora spec. nov. ("B") is available. Yellowish-green pitchers, with a deep red rim and nectar spoon. A real beauty and a very easy grower. Limited numbers of plants are available for EUR 60.-

Heliamphora spec. nov. ("A")

Nepenthes x Trusmadiensis is available again in limited quantities for EUR 50,-

Nepenthes x Trusmadiensis

<table style="WIDTH: 100%; TEXT-ALIGN: left" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=8 bgColor=#d8d8d8 border=0><TR>
<td vAlign=top align=left width="100%">May specials at

Delivery within Europe will be in May and June. Overseas delivery depends on paperwork.

Nepenthes glabrata (Sulawesi)
A most unique species from Sulawesi.
We have a limited number of very nice stage 3 plants available. Stage 3 plants (+12 months ex vitro) are 15-20 cm in diameter and have pitchers of 4-5 cm in length.
Stage 3 plants are available for EUR 25,-
Stage 2 plants are available for EUR 15,- only.

Nepenthes glabrata (Central Sulawesi)

Nepenthes inermis (Sumatra)
A most unique species from Sumatra.
We have a limited number of stage 3 plants available once again. Stage 3 plants (+12 months ex vitro) are 10-15 cm in diameter and have pitchers of 4-5 cm in length.
Stage 3 plants are available for EUR 25,-
Stage 2 plants are available for EUR 15,- only

Nepenthes hamata (Sulawesi)
A stunning and rare species from Sulawesi.
For May we offer this beauty at a reduced price of only EUR 25,-
Thsee plants are very well established and already have nice characteristic pitchers.
Stage 3 plants (around 12 months ex vitro) are also available. These have pitchers of about 3 cm in length or bigger. Stage 3 plants are available at EUR 35,- for May.
Nepenthes hamata is a real highland plants that needs cool nights and a nice humidity. If these requirements are met the plants are easy growers in an open mix based on Sphagnum moss.

Nepenthes hamata (Sulawesi)

Nepenthes aristolochioides (Sumatra)
Unique pitchers!
For May we offer this rare species at a reduced price of only EUR 25,-
The plants are very well established and have a diameter of more than 5 cm.
Nepenthes aristolocioides is a real highland plants that needs cool nights and a nice humidity. If these requirements are met the plants are easy growers in an open mix based on Sphagnum moss. Older plants, more than 12 months ex vitro are available for EUR 35,-

Nepenthes aristolochioides (Sumatra)

Antfern beginners set (Lecanopteris)
Another speciality we offer almost exclusively are the so called "Antferns" of the genus Lecanopteris. In the wild these fascinating plants live in a symbiotic relationship with ants that live inside their hollow rhizomes. To pay for the rent the ants protect the plants from all kinds of insect pests and feed them. They make perfect companions with carnivorous plants and are very easy growers.
For April/May we offer a set of three easy species of our choice for EUR 30 instead of EUR 45.

Lecanopteris mirabilis

<table style="WIDTH: 100%; TEXT-ALIGN: left" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=8 bgColor=#d8d8d8 border=0><TR>
<td vAlign=top align=left width="100%">New picture galleries at

Lecanopteris and Nepenthes
Many new pictures are online featuring rarities such as Lecanopteris darnaedii, Lecanopteris spinosa, Lecanopteris holttumii, Lecanopteris carnosa and others in their natural habitat.
After having kept the website very static for quite a while we are now in the process of adding many new pictures featuring Nepenthes and Heliamphora. Just have a look at the "What's New" section from time to time at

Lecanopteris carnosa (Sulawesi)

Lecanopteris darnaedii (Sulawesi)

We have more exciting news in the pipeline for 2008!
So stay tuned for our next newsletter scheduled for June/July!

That's all for now.

Best regards

Andreas Wistuba


<table style="WIDTH: 100%; TEXT-ALIGN: left" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=8 bgColor=#d8d8d8 border=0><TR>
<td vAlign=top align=left width="100%">Flag Responsible: - the nepenthes nursery
Dr Hermann Wistuba
Mudauer Ring 227
68259 Mannheim

Phone: 0621 705471
E-Mail: [email protected]

The newsletter is only sent to our customers and persons that have requested information from us in the past. If you are not interested in getting such information in future, please send us a short e-mail to [email protected] and you'll be immediately taken from our distribution list.


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Age : 26
Inscrit le : 12 Nov 2007
Messages : 2236
Localisation : Cher
PREFERENCE : Nepenthes

MessageSujet: Re: un site   Jeu 15 Mai - 7:49

Quelles belles images pour commencer la journée ! drunken
Mes plantes :
Mon blog :
Je recherche : dionée cudo, cephalotus 'giant', heliamphora et nepenthes que je n'ai pas.
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MessageSujet: Re: un site   Jeu 15 Mai - 8:13

Tu as raison Véro, que du bonheur.... surtout avant de commencer les épreuves de BTS Mad
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Age : 32
Inscrit le : 24 Jan 2007
Messages : 7179
Localisation : Floirac (Bordeaux)

MessageSujet: Re: un site   Jeu 15 Mai - 8:21

bon courage miss Neutral

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MessageSujet: Re: un site   Jeu 15 Mai - 8:36

Merci m'sieur Wink
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Admin Adjoint
Admin Adjoint

Age : 15
Inscrit le : 29 Oct 2007
Messages : 5259
Localisation : La Réunion

MessageSujet: Re: un site   Ven 16 Mai - 19:16

Shocked Shocked Shocked nepentheeeesn énOOOOOOrme Shocked drunken
Cherche nepenthes, faire propositions par Mp, merci beaucoup
voila merciii

Ma liste de plantes carnivores

Viens voir si tu peux dégommer ma brute
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Age : 58
Inscrit le : 05 Nov 2007
Messages : 914
Localisation : LE MANS

MessageSujet: suite   Sam 17 Mai - 9:54

les photos sont très belles mais malheureusement les prix aussi lol!

bon ce sont des bebettes assez rares mais quand même , pour les lecanopteris aussi ça fait cher ( je les cultive aussi, ce sont des fougeres myrmecophiles )

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Admin Adjoint
Admin Adjoint

Age : 15
Inscrit le : 29 Oct 2007
Messages : 5259
Localisation : La Réunion

MessageSujet: Re: un site   Dim 18 Mai - 12:00

cha veut dire quoi myrmecophile ?
Cherche nepenthes, faire propositions par Mp, merci beaucoup
voila merciii

Ma liste de plantes carnivores

Viens voir si tu peux dégommer ma brute
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Age : 15
Inscrit le : 03 Oct 2007
Messages : 3721
Localisation : Essonne

MessageSujet: Re: un site   Dim 18 Mai - 12:01

bonne question Very Happy
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Admin Adjoint
Admin Adjoint

Age : 15
Inscrit le : 29 Oct 2007
Messages : 5259
Localisation : La Réunion

MessageSujet: Re: un site   Dim 18 Mai - 12:09

qui mange du cochon Twisted Evil
Cherche nepenthes, faire propositions par Mp, merci beaucoup
voila merciii

Ma liste de plantes carnivores

Viens voir si tu peux dégommer ma brute
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